The Barney Book

$59.00 Postpaid in U.S.A.

"Genealogy of the Barney Family in America" by Eugene D. Preston and William C. Barney, 2000, is the definitive reference on the Barney family in North America. Containing more than 1000 pages, the book was compiled, from long-lost documents found at the New England Historic Genealogical Society Library in Boston in 1983.

As of the new decade, January 2020, we are pleased to announce that copies of the Barney book are still available at the same price as advertised in January 2012. Thank you for your interest and support of the Barney family history and genealogy.  ~~ Cliff Barney

$59.00 postpaid to U.S.A.
No Shipments outside of United States

This book is the authoritative history of the Barney family in America, written by BFHA President William C. Barney and Eugene D. Preston. Mr. Preston conducted significant genealogical research on the Barney family from the early 1900s, when he was a student at Columbia Law School in New York City until his death in 1926, at which time he was the Assistant District Attorney of El Paso County, Colo. (Colorado springs). His notes, discovered by William C. Barney in the 1980s, were further refined and enhanced by newly discovered information in the intervening decades.

The result is the most in-depth compilation of genealogy information on the American Barney family. A must-have addition to any Barney researcher's library.

To purchase with check or money order payable to William C. Barney,
contact the email below for further instructions.